Beloved in Christ, and dear friends,

There is no doubt we are living in the last days. In fact, I think most of you would agree, we are in the final few seconds of the last days. Jesus warns us....."Be careful how you hear...." This is a warning we should not take lightly. With all the hype, and entertainment, and levity, and soft soap on sin in most pulpits, we need a "hearing ear," tuned to the Holy Spirit, that we may discern what is from God, and what is coming from someone who is a "cloud without rain," (a man with no anointing), in the pulpit !

Not hearing the fullness of the word of God, will cause the heart to harden, and become indifferent over time to the "real truth" of the word of God. I have Pastored people who at one time were on fire for the Lord, and the truth of the Word, and walked as mighty men and women of God, only to hear later on, they had joined some Church that pleased the flesh, and allowed them to be comfortable, with no accountability, and no piercing word coming forth to draw them deeper into Jesus heart, or bring them to a place of conviction over their sin, or cause a deep hunger for the Lord.

Now, after sitting in this atmosphere of mixture, and ease in Zion, after being so very entertained and amused and comfortable, they "balk" at the truth of the Word of God. They even become angry and begin to distance themselves from you who love the 'whole Word of God,' and not just parts.

They begin to say you are "negative and harsh, judgmental," they have so many excuses for not talking to you any more about spiritual things. They have been desensitized to the truth, and have become proud in their wandering away from the message of the cross. The preachers spend no time , no quality time in the word and prayer, and their focus has been placed on buildings, and business, and a host of other things, as though they were running a business, rather than leading sheep to the heart of Jesus.

The bible teaches us the ...."The righteous are bold as a lion..." They will speak the truth, and not fear man, or have the fear of offending someone with the word of God. The reason these men cannot, and will not preach the whole truth, is because they themselves are slaves to sin. They have no fire, no anointing, no real passion, or vision of God's heart. They are busy. Busy with projects, busy with raising funds for this and that, busy with business meetings, and all sorts of so called clergy work.

So, the congregation sits under a dose of very dry food week after week, after week, and all that can be done is to tell stories, and jokes, and short messages, and most of this is nothing more than what you find on secular T.V. with the "motivational speakers," selling their DVD's, and package deals on how to feel better about your self, and live a fulfilling life....(without Jesus).

The bible is being "weeded out," of most every pulpit. Big screens are replacing the Bible. No longer to you have to get in the word for yourself, and look up a passage, and underline scripture, and learn the word. No, it is all placed on a big screen for you, and there is no need to even bring your bible in some places. In other places, there is hardly any word, just empty talk. This brings death. It breaks the heart of God, and leads his people into darkness. Again, then when confronted with the truth, they become defensive, angry, cut you off, because they are "convinced," you are just another one of those critical, cynical, judging, negative people trying to find fault with their playground church.

Beloved. I pray you guard your hearts from such foolishness, and from being allured by the Jezebel spirit, and the fun loving motivational speakers in the pulpits, without anointing, trying to "make things happen," work it up, and convince you "God is really here."!

We need a visitation from the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. A true visitation of His presence, that brings, conviction of sin, brokenness, and contrition, godly sorrow, and true repentance that leads to life ! This can only come to a people who are hungry for the truth of the Word of God, and His Spirit having total control, and having His way in our gatherings. A people who will voluntarily lay their life on the altar of God's perfect will, as living sacrifices, and stay there until He deals with their hearts.

We covet your continued prayers, and that you would continue to Love Jesus, and be blessed by His word.

God bless you all on our mailing list. We have people all over the world reading these messages, some in third world countries that write back and thank us for sharing the truth, and saying to them what no one else will.  We do not have every answer,  Jesus is the answer.

 We do not pretend to have "arrived," as some would like to think, and use for an excuse to not listen, and stop up their ears to the truth. We only share what we hear from the Lord, and stay before Him with an open heart to hear more of what the Holy Spirit is saying in these last days. We do believe that the messages on this website are from the heart of God, through much prayer and communion with Him.  We only want to share with you what we have heard in our closet of prayer, being shut in with the Lord, and then shout it from the rooftops!

The messages by others, and bible studies on this site, have been placed here through careful prayer, and instruction from the spirit of God.  These messages come from men with a heart for the Lord and His righteousness. Men with an anointing to speak forth the truth, with the wisdom and power of God.  Some of these men of God have gone home to be with the Lord. Some of them were good brothers, and friends of mine. Some are still here preaching, and holding fast to the truth, as they wait for that glorious day, when they to, will be caught up with the Lord, and hear Him say..."Well done, my fine and faithful servant..."

We have also placed many messages on the site, that are from men of God long ago. Some you may be familiar with, some you may not. I assure you, that you will be caught up in the fire of these great men of God, as you read what God placed in their hearts to share with the saints.

Also, we have the honor to share with you, the writings of my good friend and brother George Warnock,  from Canada. You will find a number of his very anointed books and teachings under the, "Tent of meeting, writings by George Warnock," on the home page of this site.  To order books by brother George, or to read his writings, please click here:   http://www.bibleword.com/GWH/gww.htm

And of course, there is a "Salvation message," on the home page as well. I believe this is a very powerful message to the backslid Church, and to the lost, that have never made Christ Lord of their life.  Please feel free to make copies. We are waiting at present, to get this published into booklet form by the American Tract Society.

Please feel free to share this site, with others, and make copies of these messages.

All we ask, is that you please leave "what is said in it's context," and give the source credit... (bibleword.com) and include the copyright found at the bottom of each page.

Again, I do pray you will frequent  www.bibleword.com   

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God bless you all !
In The Mighty Name Of Jesus !
Gary R. Kane











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