IT'S TIME YOU KNEW - what you have not yet been told

Real Life Begins Here - This is a comprehensive message of God's salvation, His love, and His invitation for us to have a new life!


  It's Time You Knew
by Gary R. Kane
  Here is an inside look
 of the front cover and the first page
  Friends, this message is for all of us. It is for those who have not yet made Jesus Christ Lord and Savior of their life. It is also for those, who have once come to the Lord Jesus Christ, but have "backslid" or "fallen away" from God. This message is also for those in the Church, that think they have a relationship with Jesus Christ, but have grown cold and complacent and indifferent, and have been deceived by religion, and false teaching.  

In this powerful pocket size 15 page booklet we present Jesus Christ as Lord, God, and King!  No other way but Jesus!  We expose cults, false teaching, and the continued lie of Satan to Believers and non- believers a like… “You surely shall not die…” Satan tells us.  ( Genesis 3:2-4 ).

Satan cast doubt upon the Word of God to Eve, he cast doubts upon the faithfulness of God to her as well, and he is still doing it today!  His weapons are lies, to cause people to turn away from Jesus Christ as Lord, ‘in or out of Church’, and he captures their heart, bringing those ‘who listen,’ to another gospel and another Jesus...  (Paul spoke of this in 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 ).  In this little booklet, we expose these lies of Satan, ‘with the Word of God…’ We reveal the need for Christ in our lives, the love, mercies, and compassion of Christ, and why we need him as Lord, and explain through the scriptures, how to come to him, ‘through the cross and repentance, and be washed by His precious blood…’  

Then, what should come ‘after salvation as a new believer in Christ.’  Being in the Word of God and prayer, fellowship with other Christians, and getting in a Spirit filled Church, that is preaching in power and anointing the gospel of Christ that conforms us to righteousness. We also cover water baptism, and obedience to the Word of God, and prayer, and much much more…!  All this and more, in a small pocket size little booklet. God is really using these to bring folks to Christ, and also to expose the lethargy and sin, ‘in the body of Christ.’

This Booklet, is already in the U.S. Navy Chaplaincy, and is being used to train Naval Chaplains to better present the truth from God’s Word to those who are lost, backslid, cold and indifferent, or those who just need encouragement and understanding in the Word of God…  With almost 50 scriptures, with explanations, this is a ‘most powerful outreach tool’ for the lost, “and for the luke-warmness and indifference in the Church today.” 
You will not be disappointed…

~Pastor Gary R. Kane~


There is no charge for these booklets up to 1,000 copies. You only help with the shipping and that is it…!  See our ‘contact information,’ and feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments…!

We highly recommend you read this booklet all the way through, here on our site “before you place your order.”   This way, you “KNOW” what you’re getting before you get it! Once you contact us and let us know how many copies you need, we can let you know the shipping cost. That is it. We do not want a dime for these. They are to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ…  Shipping is not very costly, and ships USPS.  
All rights reserved.. NLM Copyright 2019. “ IT’S TIME YOU KNEW- WHAT YOU HAVE NOT YET BEEN TOLD.”

You can read the booklet in its entirety, here…..   And we highly recomend this! ( Click on link)

  God bless all of you
In Jesus
Pastor Gary R. Kane
New Life Ministry USA

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